Date: Saturday, March 23, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Location: Shoreline Design, Historic Properties.
1869 Upper Water St.
Cost: $30 Guild Members, $45 Non-Members
Material cost: $15 paid directly to the instructor.
Learn how to solder like it is a cloak of invisibility with Don Bell the master Goldsmith. No more blobs of solder hanging out or visible lines where you joined two pieces of metal together. The workshop will mainly consist of exercises in torch control and basic soldering examples and tests.
We will not be working on a specific project. Everyone will be doing the same tasks so that those not using a torch can observe and learn before it is their turn.
As Don instructs you, he will explain the hardness of various solders and where they are best used, what flux to use and where to locate your solder to join the pieces professionally. You will be able to experiment with the torch under expert guidance.